About the Department of Automobile Engineering
Department of Automobile Engineering was established in 2010 and being nurtured with dynamic and energetic faculty members committed to well-being and all round development of the students. The department offers B.Tech and M.Tech programme in Automobile Engineering with a prime objective of shaping future technical leaders of Automobile Industries across the globe. Designed curriculum of the offered programme according with the needs of present scenario in automobile industries. Automobile Engineering is a branch of engineering incorporating elements of mechanical, electrical,electronic, software and safety engineering as applied to the design, manufacture and operation of motorcycles, buses, trucks and electric & hybrid vehicles and their respective engineering subsystems.
HoD’s Desk
Automobile Engineering is the core for automobile industry of any country. This department is incepted in the year 2010 with Bachelor in Automobile Engineering .The department also offers Masters in Automobile Engineering.Here at Dr. K. N. Modi University; we have a number of students in our department in U.G, P.G. those are our strength. These students are guided and motivated by the team of well qualified and experienced faculties those collective efforts results in shaping the future of students.
Head of the Department
Department of Mechanical & Automobile Engineering
Our Vision
The Automobile Engineering Department is committed to be recognized globally for outstanding education and research leading to well qualified engineers who are innovative, entrepreneurial and successful in advanced fields of engineering & research and ready to contribute effectively to the advancement of the industry and society.
Also to be pioneer in the field of research & innovation with right amount of emphasis on holistic development in the respective areas of interest of students and faculties as well.
Our Mission
- To impart quality education in Automobile Engineering and allied areas for Diploma, Undergraduate, Postgraduate levels by integrating effective teaching learning process.
- To equip the students to apply fundamental knowledge in Automobile Engineering and gain knowledge of emerging areas.
- To encourage entrepreneurship.
- To provide an environment for acquiring ethical values and positive attitude through conducive atmosphere.
- To enable interaction of the students with the industry for achieving professional growth.
Our Faculty
Events and Seminars
- International Conference 2019
- On July 10-11, 2019, “International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches and their Scopes (ICMAS)” The conference was graced by the presence of keynote speakers- Dr. O.P. Yadav, NDSU, USA; Dr. Dixit Garg, NIT Kurukshetra; Dr. P. K. Pandey, PSNSU, M.P. & Dr. Rajiv Dutta, DKNMU, Newai. In this conference, 64 researchers from various countries including Ethiopia, USA, Canada, South Africa, Korea, etc. presented 62 papers.
- National Workshop on teaching Learning Process
- On July 17-21, 2019; this workshop was organized in collaboration with the Education Department.
- National Workshop on Research Orientation
- On July 10-14, 2019; this workshop was conducted where 50 participants had taken active part. The keynote speakers for the different sessions were Dr. Vineet Gupta, HOD-Automobile Department; Dr. Rajiv Dutta, HOD-Applied Sciences, Dr. J. P. Dubey, Applied Physics & Dr. A. H. Faizee, HOD-Humanities Department.
- National Workshop on CNC Programming
- From 4th to 9th April 2019 in the national workshop, around 40 participants took participation. The resource persons were Assist. Professor Mr. Pradeep Sharma Assist. Professor Mr. & Radheshyam Rathore, from Automobile Department DKNMU, Newai, Mr. Mahender Kumar Trainer & Mr. Kushal Tiwary Trainers, from BSD, Jaipur.
- Robotic Club inauguration
- On 18th August 2018 the Automobile department inaugurated the Robotic club in the presence of all faculty & staff of the department. Mr. Praney Mathur CEO Widig Solution Pvt. Ltd. Along with Mr. Sumit srivastava, CEO Gensus Edutrainers pvt. Ltd. were the chief guests for the day.
- Vishwakarma Day
- On 17th September of every year, Vishwakarma Day is being celebrated with purity & enthusiasm by active participation of entire faculty fraternity of university & cultural program organized by all students.
- Industrial Conclave’18
- On 17th September 2018 Headed by Mr. Raghav Kabra chairman Raghav productivity enhancers Ltd. and Pragya Trikha Co-Founder Fenestec Technologies pvt. Ltd. The industrial conclave threw light on the Govt. schemes for young entrepreneurs and how to sustain the competition.
- BAT Club Inauguration
- On 28th September 2018 the Automobile department inaugurated the BAT Club (Bikers and Trekkers Club) in the presence of all faculty & staff of the department. Mr. Alsaif Naddafi, Director, Yahama Motors Tonk, was the chief guests for the day
- Technical Summit 2017
- 22nd -23rd Feb-2017 “International Conference on Research Skilling and Employability in Automobile and Automobile Engineering (ICRSEMAE)”– This two day conference witnessed dignitaries like Dr. Mangu Singh, M.D. DMRC, Dr. R. K. Khandal, Ex V.C. UPTU, Dr. Rajiv Chawla, Chairman IamSME of India are to name a few.
- Technical Summit 2016
- Feb-2016 “International Conference on technological Drift in Automobile and Automobile Engineering (ICTDMAE)” – This conference invited speakers from pan India. Dr. R. S. Shikarwar, Director TTTR Bhopal, Dr. Meghanshu Vashishtha, IIT BHU, Prof. S. L. Soni MNIT Jaipur are to name a few.
- PO1:Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of Mathematics, Science, Engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solutions of complex engineering problems.
- PO2:Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate research literature and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences
- PO3:Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations.
- PO4:Conduct investigations of complex problems: Using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions
- PO5:Modern tool usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an under- standing of the limitations.
- PO6:The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice
- PO7:Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
- PO8:Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice
- PO9:Individual and Teamwork: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.
- PO10:Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.
- PO11:Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to owners' own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- PO12:Lifelong Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Programme Specific Outcomes [PSO’s] of B.Tech. in Automobile Engineering
- PEO1: Categorize, create and solve engineering problems related to various materials and their properties using skills, techniques and state of art of Automobile engineering tools.
- PEO2: Have good awareness of problem analysis related to design, manufacturing, production and marketing.
- PEO3: Apply the Automobile engineering principles to design and develop components which can be assembled into systems.
- PEO4: Conduct investigation of complex problem related to the thermal and Automobile behavior of materials and systems.
Programme Specific Outcomes [PSO’s] of M.Tech. in Industrial & Production Engineering
- PEO1: A commitment to solve industrial problems by interacting with industrialists.
- PEO2: Urge to develop newer and cost effective production processes with enhanced quality.
- PEO3: The ability to design of effective and efficient producible products.
- PEO4: To improve the performance of existing operations.
Programme Specific Outcomes [PSO’s] of M.Tech. in Automobile Engineering
- PEO1: Graduates of Automobile Engineering will be engineering professionals and innovators in core engineering, service industries or pursue higher studies.
- PEO2: Graduates of Automobile Engineering will be team players who are equipped to provide sustainable solutions for complex interdisciplinary problems using modern tools
- PEO3: Graduated of Automobile Engineering will be able to engage in professional activities ethically and thereby enhance the knowledge and contribution towards the society through lifelong learning.
Infrastructure / Facilities
Practical and physical applications of various laws, theories, mechanisms and the know-how of vehicles and integral part of Automobile engineering. Our well-equipped laboratories & workshop aid the teaching learning process by practically visualizing them the applications in real life. There are 8 different designated laboratories with advanced machineries, cut-sections and equipment, a CAD lab with design software to cater the design skills and a large all facility workshop for all the IC engine, welding, foundry and forge needs.
ENGINEERING MECHANICS LAB The Engineering Mechanics Laboratory helps engineers to understand the application of theory that he has studied in Basic Applied Mechanics by practicing & performing experiments and verifying results. Besides the above, the objective of the curriculum with effective skill will be developed in them to observe experimental data, and to analyze the results. These topics of this curriculum will certainly build their confidence in performing the utilization of principle of mechanics in engineering works. MATERIAL SCIENCE & TESTING LAB All engineering materials used in structures & mechanisms must be known for their Automobile properties. In this lab the students are made conversant to the basic principles & testing methodologies for tests for tensile strength & compressive strength, toughness, hardness, torsional & bending strength HEAT & MASS TRANSFER LAB Heat and mass transfer are the areas of engineering that address how quickly heat energy or move from one place to another. Understanding these phenomena is essential to designing and analyzing heating and cooling operations. The Heat and Mass Transfer Laboratory offers experiments for boiling-film heat transfer, countercurrent heat exchange, thermal conductivity, home heating system design, and radiation. Mass transfer experiments include membrane separations and liquid-liquid extraction. MEASUREMENT METROLOGY LAB Metrology is the science of measurement. At the base of metrology are the definition, realization and dissemination of units of measurement the students need to understand the basic principles and uses of different types of precession and other measuring equipment. In the measurement & metrology lab the students are made convergent with all these equipment. DYNAMICS OF MACHINES LAB An awareness of the way machines work is fundamental to most engineering systems. Students understand the principles of Automobile advantage, cams, vibration and Automobile movement to give them a solid foundation of knowledge about Automobile system behavior. This knowledge will serve them throughout their academic and future engineering careers. The Dynamics of Machines Lab teach the principles and theory of laws / principles in Automobile mechanism. AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING LAB Automobile sector is one of the ever growing sectors. In the automobile engineering lab, a student learns the functioning of all its systems. This lab is equipped with various cut sections of engine parts, body / chassis, gear mechanism, steering mechanisms and other parts. FLUID MECHANICS AND HYDRAULIC MACHINE LAB The laboratory is designed to give introduction to basic fundamentals of mechanics of fluid by demonstrating through experimental procedures. The range of experiments provided covers the complete field of the “Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics for Engineering” such as: Pipe friction, Laminar and turbulent flow, Bernoulli’s principle, Osborne Reynolds, Hydrostatic pressure, Impact of a jet, Orifice discharge, Vortex, Flow visualization, Flow meters, Flow channel, Turbo-machines: centrifugal pump, Pelton and Francis turbine, Hydraulic ram pump, etc. RAC LAB Keeping cool has been a human preoccupation for millennia, In this modern era refrigeration & air-conditioning will be the most wanted field of engineering. With the increase of living standards the comfort air conditioning is no longer considered a luxury but a fact of modern existence. The industrial use need not be emphasized The RAC lab is equipped with all the equipment to give a comprehensive knowledge about the basic principles of refrigeration and air-conditioning, consistent with the syllabus. |
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Student / Faculty Achievement
1 | Mr. Dheeraj Mishra | Assistant Professor | Guided the Solar Car Project to the Science & Technology fair organized by Govt. of Rajasthan at JECC, Jaipur |
2 | Mr. Dheeraj Mishra | Assistant Professor | Guided the Hydro Bike Project in Technical Summit’17 ICRSEMAE at DKNMU and won First Prize |
3 | Mr. Dheeraj Mishra | Assistant Professor | |
4 | Mr. Gaurav Bhaduria | Assistant Professor | Guided the Project for 3D Printed Electric Bicycle |
4 | Mr. Sandeep Kumar | Assistant Professor | Guided the Solar tracking System Project |
1 | Akash Tripathi | B.Tech AE | Fabrication of Solar Car |
2 | Ankur Uttam Gaynde | B.Tech AE | |
3 | Shubham Bharti | B.Tech ME | |
4 | Atanu Kisku | B.Tech ME | |
5 | Manish Kumhar | Diploma ME | |
6 | Asadulla Rangrez | Diploma ME | |
7 | Md. Afzal Ali | B.Tech. ME | Designing of 3D Printed Electric Bicycle on CATIA |
8 | Rameshwar Prasad | B.Tech. ME | |
9 | Gugloth Sathish | B.Tech. ME | |
10 | Saddam hussain | B.Tech. ME | |
11 | Rohan Kr. Walia | B.Tech. ME | |
12 | Aman Mall | B.Tech. AE | Modification of Petrol Bike Into Dual Fuel Bike HHO Booster bike |
13 | Tushar Sinha | B.Tech. AE | |
14 | Shakti Bhatt | B.Tech. ME | |
15 | Shashank Singh | B.Tech. ME | |
16 | Niraj Kumar Panday | B.Tech. ME | |
17 | Sintu Kumar | B.Tech. ME |
Sponsored Research & Consultancy Projects
Project Solar Electric Vehicle:
A solar car is a solar vehicle used for land transport. Solar cars only run on solar power from the sun. Solar cars depend on a solar array that uses photovoltaic cells (PV cells) to convert sunlight into electricity. PV cells directly convert sunlight into electricity. When sunlight (photons) strike PV cells, they excite electrons and allow them to flow, creating an electric current. PV cells are made of semiconductor materials such as silicon and alloys of indium, gallium and nitrogen. Crystalline silicon is the most common material used and has an efficiency rate of 15-20%. The first solar family car was built in 2013.
1 | Motor Type | 48v 650 W BLDC |
2 | Controller | 48v 24 Mosfet |
3 | Battery | 12vX4 battery(lead acid)X80AH |
4 | Charger | Copper |
5 | Head light | Normal(Dual filament tungsten type bulb ) |
6 | Climbing Capacity | Up to 250 |
7 | Roof | Solar panel 12vX 4 panel=48v |
8 | Accessories | Rear view mirror and steering lock |
9 | Seating capacity | 4 passenger(3+1). |
10 | Brake type | All Drum type |
11 | Battery charging time | 6-8 Hrs. |
12 | Electricity consumption | 4-5 unit per day |
13 | Speed | 40KMPH |
14 | Load capacity | 500 kg |
15 | Total weight | 340 kg |
16 | Milage | 40-50 Km |
17 | Suspension | Front coil spring type/ Rear- leaf spring type |
18 | Steering | Rack and pinion type manual. |
19 | Dimensions | 2440 X 1250 mm |
20 | Ground Clearance | 340 mm |
21 | Transmission Mode | Differential |
22 | Drive Type | Rear Wheel Drive |
Dirt Bike:
Dirt bikes, specially designed for off-road events. The term off-road refers to a driving surface that is not conventionally paved. This is a rough surface, often created naturally, such as sand, gravel, a river, mud or snow. This type of terrain can sometimes only be travelled on with vehicles designed for off-road driving (such as SUVs, ATVs, snowmobiles or mountain bikes) or vehicles that have off-road equipment. Compared to road-going motorcycles, off-road machines are simpler and lighter, having long suspension travel, high ground clearance, and rugged construction with little bodywork and no fairings for less damage in spills. Wheels (usually 21" front, 18" rear) have knobby tires, often clamped to the rim with a rim lock.
Research Initiatives
Research has been very important aspect for higher education in Dr. K. N. Modi University since beginning. The research center gives a dynamic and highly perceptible working environment for its students and faculty with a clear objective of developing a leadership quality & expansion of education particularly at higher education level.
In past years, the research energies have extended to work on different projects by students along with the support of vibrant faculties in different fields like- Engineering & Technology, Agriculture, Health Sciences, Architecture, Education and Management
Co-Curricular and Extra-curricular activities
For the overall development of students, co-curricular & extracurricular activities are the way to express the talent and develop their personality. It can be used as a tool to directly or indirectly supplement the classroom teaching learning process.
- The students get a platform to exhibit their hidden talent through participation in various activities like- Games-sports, Yoga, Debate, Art, etc.
- These activities not only help in keeping them physically fit but also keep them mentally sound. Winning, losing, getting appreciation, positive criticism all these things when developed in this critical age helps them deal with life challenges all long.
- It also inculcates innovative thinking and team spirit to make them understand the importance of open discussion and valuing other’s thoughts as well.
1 | 17 September 2019 | Cultural Program on Vishwakarma Day |
2 | 5 September 2019 | Slow Bike Race |
3 | 12 -15 September 2018 | Badminton championship - 18 |
4 | 28 September 2018 | Slow Bike Race |
5 | 17 September 2018 | Cultural Program on Vishwakarma Day |
6 | 1 January 2018 | Cricket Match between Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff |
7 | October 2017 | Cricket tournament in Utopia 2017 |
8 | October 2017 | Kabaddi tournament in Utopia2017 |
9 | 17 September 2017 | Cultural Program on Vishwakarma Day |
Workshop/Guestlectures/Industrial Visit
- 22nd October 2018to 24th October 2018 3 day Robotic Workshop
- A three day extensive workshop on “Design & Development of Working Robots” was organized by the Robotics Club in association with SakRobotix Labs Bhubaneshwar. Mr. Bibhudutta Sethy from Bhubaneshwar guided the participants to make DIY working robots.
- 28th July 2018 One day workshop on Energy Management
- Mr. Reetesh Kocheta from Petroleum conservation research association, Jaipur at DKNMU took the students deep into the realm of energy management, Ways and methods to do it and also informed how PCRA is actively contributing towards it.
- 27th August 2016 Workshop/Seminar on Industries and energies
- This seminar was conducted by PCRA. All faculty members invited. This seminar was conducted in the video conference room. Mr. Reetesh Kocheta told about present scenario in industries. He also told how we can save energy in industries and importance of greenery in industries and any institutional area. Certificate of this seminar distributed by PCRA on the occasion of Vishwakarma day on 17/9/2016
- 8 August 2016 Workshop/Seminar on energy conservation
- One day seminar conducted by PCRA. All B.Tech and Diploma students of Automobile and automobile engineering (150 students) attended this seminar. Mr. Reetesh Kocheta told importance of energy and how we can save energy in daily uses
- 16th August2016 to 4th October2016 AutoCAD software workshop
- 32 students from B.Tech III sem and Diploma III Sem were registered for this workshop programme. The workshop programme was conducted by CIPET Jaipur. Mr. Arun was faculty appointed from CIPET Jaipur for this training. Students learnt how to use this software, its applications, and importance of this software in industries
- 18th October 2016 to 19th October 2016 Two Days National Workshop's Series 2016–17 (NWS-17)
- Our department organized the workshop on IC Engine & Catia software. Forty Five students of diploma and B.Tech participated in this workshop. Workshop completed in following two stages. Two Faculty coordinator nominate for this workshop Mr. Pradeep kumar sharma & Mr. Rajesh gond and two student coordinator nominated shiv prakash Mishra & Aman Mall.
- Stage 1: 2 Day Training Program (Workshops)
- Stage 2: Mega Competition at College Level.
- Following ten students won mega contest:
- Shiv prakash Bairwa (vi) Sekender Ali
- Shiv Prakash Mishra (vii) Rahul kumar Soni
- Tushar sinha (viii) Bhaskar Paul
- Aman Mall (ix) Aman kumar Yadav
- Khurshid Alam (x) SK Rejjak Ali
- 27th March 2019 Expert lecture by Dr. P. N. Rao, University of Iowa, USA
- World Renowned Author of Automobile Engineering Books, Dr. Rao was there in the campus it was a Fan moment for everyone in the department as he himself delivered expert lecture over various latest manufacturing and production techniques.
- 9th March 2019 Guest Lecture on Robotics
- Mr. Aniket D. Kulkarni from Sakrobotix Lab Bhubaneshwar was there for a session on robotics and the applications in various areas. Later he engaged the participants into practical training and robot assembly.
- 14th September 2018, Expert Lecture on Robotics Technology
- Mr. S. K. Mahapatra – Founder of SakRobotix Lab Pvt. Ltd., Bhubaneswar took the important lecture on through Skype on the The Nuances, Manufacturing & Application of Robots in the Daily life as well as in the industries.
- 17th September 2018, Guest Lecture on How to Prepare for Gate Exam
- Prof. (Dr.) Harlal Singh Mali from MNIT, Jaipur Lectured on the importance and scope of GATE and also share his expert advice on the correct technique and study pattern to prepare well for GATE.
- 8th Aug 2018, Guest lecture on Future Scope & Challenges
- Engineering as profession: Mr. Sanjeev Chaudhary & Mr. Sandeep from CIPET, Jaipur Took an interactive session with the students of Automobile Engineering Department about the career path, future and the challenges the have to face in their coming years and how to be well prepared for all.
- 4 Aug 2018, Guest Lecture on Career Prospects for Automobile Engineers
- Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Kumar Goyal from BSDU, Jaipur interacted with the students and provided them with the enlightment about the career scope and prospects for future engineers.
- 23rd March 2018 Guest Lecture on Water harvesting system
- Mr. Reetesh kocheta, Petroleum Conservation Research Conservation, Jaipur gave an elaborate lecture on water harvesting system and also emphasized on rain water harvesting, with emphasis on the technical know -how.
- 14th March 2018 Guest Lecture on Green Technology & Energy Management
- Mr. Reetesh Kocheta, Petroleum Conservation Research Conservation, Jaipur told the students about green tech. and the government’s efforts through PCRA to make the general public aware about it. He also emphasized on the role of engineers in doing so.
- 23rd January 2018 Guest Lecture on Entrepreneurship Development
- Mr. Sumit Shrivastava, Founder, Gensus Edutrainers Jaipur. Had an expert talk session with the students about entrepreneurship development, at length discussion session happened on startups, entrepreneurship, their concepts and how to innovate. He then inaugurated the entrepreneurship cell in the university.
- 11th October 2016 A Programe of Hare Krisna Society
- The Hare Krishna Society, Tonk was invited by department of Automobile engineering. About 150 students, staff and faculties participated in this programme. Firstly our VC Dr. Devendra pathak welcome guests. Then they told us about seva.
- Seva is a powerful manifestation of love for one another, this devotional service lives in the homes of everyday people, in our workplaces, in the mindful conduct of our everyday mundane activities. Seva lives in the heart of the mothers & fathers who sacrifice their passions in order to provide for us, in the brothers and sisters who take up the responsibility of raising us. The friends and co-workers that go out of their way to help us all while knowing that we are in no state to return the favour. When we perform these actions with a true & humble heart we begin our path towards living in yoga - in union. Experiencing the oneness within everything through the practice of love & devotion. Programme ended with hare krisna sankritan and question answer session.
- 18th November 2018 Industrial visit
- With the kind guidance of Mr. Mukesh Sharma, M.D. Krsna Urja Newai the students of B.Tech and Diploma Automobile Engineering visited the industrial facility and got familiar with the system and machinery being used.
- 10th September 2018 Industrial Visit
- The students of B.Tech & Diploma Final year visited the plant of Eicher Engines, Alwar Rajasthan, where they got to know about the various manufacturing machineries and the production facility to manufacture engine parts.
- 28th August 2018 Industrial visit
- Mr. M.K. Mohan, CIPET, Jaipur had familiarize the students about production and testing methods of various usage of plastic
- 28th August 2018 Industrial visit
- Mr. Dinesh Kumar H.R. Manager Genus Pvt. Ltd. Jaipur helped the students of Automobile B.Tech & Diploma to understand the system, Production and testing in the production facility.
- Feb. 2016 one day industrial visit
- Final year students of Automobile and Automobile visited the industrial facility of National Bearing Company (NBC) in Jaipur where they got the fundamental details about a bearing
- April 2016 one day industrial visit
- Students from B.Tech and Diploma visited the sprawling fabrication and manufacturing plant KAMAL Coach industries Newai Jaipur and learned about the coach and body manufacturing.
- September 2015 one day industrial visit
The central Institute of Plastic Engineering & Technology demonstrated the students various new techniques in plastic molding and the advanced manufacturing systems
Institute Industry Interaction
Our department has academic collaborations with departments of many other prestigious institutions and universities in India and abroad such as, University of Surrey Guildford UK, Sheffield Hallam University, IIT Bhubaneswar, IIT BHU, MNIT Jaipur, TTTR Bhopal, DEI Dayalbagh Agra, Govt. Engineering College Raipur, NSIT New Delhi.
Apart from these academic collaborations, our department has industrial collaborations as well with Petroleum Conservation and Regulatory Authority (PCRA), Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology (CIPET), Integrated Association of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises of India (IamSME of India), Kamal Cogent limited, Krsna Urja limited These collaborations help us in keeping our curriculum and teaching methodology updated, research based, industry oriented and at par with the top standards.
The Institute encourages its faculty, scientists, technicians and students to interact with industry in every possible ways with the spirit of growing mutual advantage. The major modes of institute interaction are listed below:
- Eminent Visiting faculty/professors from industries.
- Visits of faculty to industry for study and discussions or delivering lectures on subjects of mutual interest.
- Visits of executives and eminent personalities from industries for mentoring and delivering lectures on recent trends
- Memoranda of Understanding between the Universities and industries experts to have the two-way emotionally and strategically closer.
- Provision for Workshops, conferences , guest lectures from industries
- Collaborative degree programs.
- Guidance from experts from industries for dissertation in different fields.
- Short term courses for faculties in different government educational bodies.
- Various Practical training programs for the students and faculties students in industries.
- Entrepreneurship opportunities.
1 | Abhijeet Anand | BATCH 2011 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
2 | Adarsh N | BATCH 2011 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
3 | Ankur Uttam Gaidhane | BATCH 2011 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
4 | Arame Vikrant Vinod | BATCH 2011 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
5 | Sandeep Yadav | BATCH 2011 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
6 | Saurbh | BATCH 2011 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
7 | Suryapaka Thribhuwan Teja | BATCH 2011 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
8 | Talathoti Charlie Chaitanya | BATCH 2011 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
9 | Abhishek Kumar | BATCH 2011 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
10 | Gautam Kumar | BATCH 2012 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
11 | Palash Basumatary | BATCH 2011 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
12 | K Sai Ram | BATCH 2012 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
13 | Akash Tripathi | BATCH 2012 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
14 | Aman Mall | BATCH 2013 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
15 | Tushar Sinha | BATCH 2013 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
16 | Aman Prakash Bana | BATCH 2013 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
17 | Kalagadda Richard Robin | BATCH 2014 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
18 | Vertika Singh | BATCH 2014 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
19 | Yash Arya | BATCH 2015 | Bachelor of Technology | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
20 | Pankaj Kumar | BATCH 2015 | Diploma in Engineering | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
21 | Abhishek Khangarot | BATCH 2016 | Diploma in Engineering | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
22 | Tahir Ahmed Ansari | BATCH 2016 | Diploma in Engineering | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |
23 | Sanjeev Prasad | BATCH 2017 | Diploma in Engineering | (Automobile Engineering) | ALUMNI |