
India is one of the acclaimed choices for education, conferring quality academics to students from all around the world. Dr. K N Modi University, a States Government ordained, UGC approved Private University, situated on a sprawling 45 acres campus with sylvan surroundings is situated at Newai in the Tonk district of Rajasthan. University generally offer all varieties of degree 55 courses such as , B.Tech., Diploma, LAW, B.Ed, BCA, MCA, BBA, MBA, Pharmacy, BA, B.Sc , B.Com, MA, M.Sc, M.Com, M.Tech and Ph.D., etc.
''The library connects us with the insight and knowledge, painfully extracted from Nature, of the greatest minds that ever were, with the best teachers, drawn from the entire planet and from all our history, to instruct us without tiring, and to inspire us to make our own contribution to the collective knowledge of the human species. I think the health of our civilization, the depth of our awareness about the underpinnings of our culture and our concern for the future can all be tested by how well we support our libraries''

Dr. K. N. Modi University Library was started along with the establishment of the University in 2010 in order to cater the academic and research needs of the faculty, research scholars, students, officers and non-teaching staff. Since then, the University Library has gone from strength to strength to live up to the expectations of its immediate clientele. The University is proud of its library system, which comprises the Central Library. It is one of the best-equipped libraries in the country. Under the potential for excellence programme of UGC, Centre for Digital Library and Documentation with Learning Resource Centre has been established in the year 2010 which is being largely used by the different categories of users. Central Library is the heart/soul of the academics at Dr. K. N. Modi University. Its carpet area is 5435 Sqm. It is designed to meet the information needs of the users with an aim of providing “Anytime, Anywhere Access” to information through remote access facility. The Central Library supports university in building an excellence in academics and research by establishing a knowledge portal.

  •  Entry by Identity Card only.
  • In absence of Identity Card, a letter of introduction from the Head of Department is required, which will be valid for a day only.
  • Personal printed reading materials (including Xerox Copy) are not allowed inside the Library.
  • Personal belongings (except note books) are to be kept at property counter against token.
  • Photography is strictly prohibited.
  • All categories of members are to pay over-due charges for late return of the books.
  • Assembling in front of the Central Library as well as other libraries of the University, loudly speaking and gossiping etc. is strictly prohibited. Smoking inside the Library premises is also not allowed.
  • Readers are advised not to leave their valuable items like money, passport, credit card etc. at the Check Counter.
  • Marking, scratching, damaging, mutilating, stealing, library materials or property will invite disciplinary action against the defaulters.
  • Readers should observe strict silence inside the Library.
  • Use of Mobile phones is not permitted inside the Library premises.
  • Outsider can consult the library for Research purpose by paying Rs. 50/- per day as consultation charge (after producing letter of introduction from Supervisor/Head of Deptt. to the University Librarian). 
These rules are subject to amendment/updating from time to time without assigning any reason.

WEEKDAYS: 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM

The library holds a hybrid specialized collection of printed as well electronic resources which include books, journals, theses dissertations databases, audio-visuals, CDs/DVDs, e-books, e-journals, reports, case studies, conference proceedings, training manuals pertaining to all subjects Mathematics & Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities, Social Sciences and Management ranging under various courses. The Central Library 95 subscribes to national and international journals in print. The Central Library is well automated with integrated software ERP. Library provides user-friendly services such as Library Catalogue./Web OPAC for searching books online in the library database. Subscription of E-books, E-journals, and databases of DELNET etc. are accessible to the users on and off-campus.Central Library is in proper coordination with the effective library services to the Faculty members, Research Scholars, and students etc.

Library Learning Resources 
Learning Resources 
The library is ever-growing section along with the development of academics. Print Resources still continue to be primary learning resources. Library holds more than 68253 books.
Electronic books/ – Journals/database
Following Online databases are accessible to the users on and off campus through remote access.
Print Periodicals Collection
A journal or periodical or serial is a publication which is produced on a continuing basis. For instance weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually. The Library currently holds and subscribes:
95 current periodicals (scholarly journals)
18 Magazines
300 Back Volumes
3 National Newspapers
Theses and Dissertations
Library currently holds
20 Theses (softcopy uploaded on Sodhganga
100 Plus Dissertations of UG/PG programmes (Currently Available in  the Central library for reference purpose)
Book Bank
The text books included in the Book Bank, exclusively meet the subject information needs of U.G. and P.G. students
Media Resources
Over 900 CDs/DVDs
It is an online facility of Library for the users to search and retrieve the reading document from library without any assistance of library staff. User can browse the database of library and could also get reserved the book online. It is advised to the library users to check their library transaction of circulation and other issues related to library. The library system is completely transparent. It is also advised to the students to keep an eye on their library account and if they found any discrepancy, report to the Librarian on the same day on       
Library is a member of Developing Library Network (DELNET). It’s a nodal organization of 4000 plus libraries network across the country and abroad. DELNET works as mediator for Inter Library Loan Services (ILL). It has developed a mechanism and facility to make a request for requisite books and documents from the networked libraries. Read more..   
Remote Access
Library has a facility to access the subscribed e-resources from off the campus. Registered members can access the resources from home through log on and password. A Management Information System, often simply referred to as MIS. MIS Reports are reports required by the management to assess the performance of the organization and allow for faster decision-making. MIS report of this utility serves the various purposes of library.
MOOCs through SWAYAM
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is An initiative under National Mission on Education through Information Communication Technology (NME-ICT) Programme. For the said purpose Min. of HRD started ‘Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds’ (SWAYAM).
SWAYAM provides an integrated platform and portal for online courses, using information and communication technology (ICT) and covering High School till all higher education subjects and skill sector courses to ensure that every student benefits from learning material through ICT.

  • Circulation Service
  • Reference Service
  • Web OPAC (On-line Public Access Catalogue)
  • Study Book Service
  • Book Bank
  • Multimedia Resource Service
  • On-line Databases
  • Internet facility
  • Current Awareness Service
  • SDI
  • Display of new arrivals.
  • Access to current issues and back volumes of journals.
  • Reference and Information Services.
Central Library has open access collections for its users. You can benefit from immediate access and unparalleled opportunities for browsing. Browse our Library Catalogue/OPAC.Our digital library is available 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world with your INTRANET USER ID and password. Visit Remote access to discover research sources ranging from online reference works to specialist citation databases in your field.

  • To procure, organize and disseminate information in different formats.
  • To support and promote the use of rich and diverse collections among the users.
  • To preserve and house the collection for future generations.
  • To enhance and support the academic environment by providing seamless access to information resources.

  • User Satisfaction in terms of Information need.
  • Service with a Smile.
Collection: (as on 28.10.2020) 
Square feet of covered space
Total No. of Books
Total No. of Books Volume
National Journals
International Journals
DELNET Online databases/E-Journals :
DELNET- 2400 Approx.
(On and Off Campus access facility)
Theses (ETD)
DELNET (E-Book - On and Off Campus access facility)
DENET-10849  title-709
Media Resources CD / DVD

For any information regarding Library facilities of Dr. K N Modi University, Central Library, please contact.
Ms. Meena Mishra
Librarian & Head,
Central Library,
Dr. K N Modi University, Newai Rajasthan (India)