
‘Lets make this world a better place’ – a statement that immediately gets endorsed universally. They say countries make a world, the people make a country, knowledge, skills attitude define the quality of people, the quality of people is an outcome of the efforts and vision of the education sector.

Dr. K.N. Modi University walks proudly on this path fulfilling its obligations as a part of the national ecosystem and the global eco system.

our country always had tremendous potential to play a powerful role in fueling growth around the world. India’s emergence as a powerful stakeholder in all major geopolitical blocks of the world Is testimony to that. India , very fast, is emerging as the growth engine of the world and hence faces a set of challenges never seen before. To meet these challenges, the talent pool in India needs to evolve and grow at an accelerated pace. The skill inventory of the country needs to grow at pace, faster than the targeted economic growth. 

Organizations are willing to experiment and try out disruptive techniques and formats to develop Talent, though the techniques may seem not even remotely connected to the job of the employees.

Organizations across the world and more so in India( which will only see an increase in the number of players in each sector and possibly the best brands of the world) are revisiting and redefining the meaning of Talent.

Organizations are gradually moving towards scientific frameworks to breakdown job roles, identify and define desired behaviors and establish frameworks that help them structure a scientific approach to Talent Development.

Organizations are slowly moving out of the trap of perceiving qualification to be a reflection of competencies. On the contrary many organizations are seeking support and successfully creating their own filter mechanisms to define and identify talent on the basis of competencies, rather than using qualifications as a predictor of behavior.
Organizations are waking up to challenge other stereotypical definitions like age, gender, geography, functional experience, industry exposure to tap into a latent potential talent base within and outside the organization and thus grow their talent reservoir multiple times.

Human Resource as a function is evolving into a game changer function, overtaking the importance of Finance in many sectors, as a function. The percolation and transference of HR into the business is something that is increasingly being practised and recommended.

The emergence of sunrise sectors, the scope for innovation and disruption, corporate social priorities like D&I, CSR, virtual world of working, multi cultural environments are factors compelling enough to shift our focus from only skill and knowledge base to a system that allows our students to develop not only knowledge, skills but the right attitude, agility to thrive in multi cultural and dynamic environments, be accountable leaders and ethical and value driven denizens of the corporate world.

At Dr. K.N. Modi University, we are committed to create an environment that ensures students, families, entrepreneurs, organizations are able and agile enough to charter a growth that contributes to the growth of the district, state, country and helps us make the world a better place.

Dr. Hiren Dushi

PRO President

Dr. K. N. Modi University